WGN Funding Resources
Related Resources
Check out this two-part serries on grant writing by Morgan Curry, the Executive Director of Skagit Gleaners, shares best practices for fundraising and grant writing with a focus on equity.
Local Food Impact Calculator: Measure the Economic Footprint of your Project, Sector or Initiative
This online tool was created by a team of economists with support from the USDA and Colorado State University to facilitate science-based analysis of food system projects and initiatives. Just define your region, type of sales and project value and a report is generated which estimates your program’s impact and even will generate a .pdf version of the report.
There is also a short Video Tutorial detailing how to use this tool

The Good Food Funding Guide is a project of New Venture Advisors which lists sources of grants, loans, and equity for businesses and programs promoting sustainable food and agriculture and local economies.
Also see their collection of reports and resources for public consumption to support advocates of local food system development across the country.
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