Master Gardeners at Community Food Share in CO
26.07.2018 in National VISTA, Harvest VISTA, Harvest BlogHarvest VISTA Brianna coordinated two Master Gardeners events.
Harvest VISTA Brianna coordinated two Master Gardeners events.
Harvest Against Hunger AmeriCorps VISTA member Annie Eberhardt, who serves with the Spokane Edible Tree Project, partnered with Friends of Polly Judd Food Forest to coordinate a food forest planting event. Spokane Edible Tree Project envisions a thriving community that is educated on how to…
A collaborative effort to glean potatoes.
Harvest VISTA Taylor was able to see the whole cycle of “feeding America’s Hungry”.
Talked to the community about food insecurity on the Palouse.
On January 15th, 2018, in communities across the country, Harvest Against Hunger VISTAs coordinated service events to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose civil rights activism, speeches, and books help us imagine a path towards a more perfect union. Here are…
Growing Connections visited Port Angeles to present a train-the-trainer workshop.
The aftermath of hurricane Irma.
Celebrating “Day of Caring”
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