
Partnering with Neighborhood Organizations with Seattle Community Farm

18.06.2024 in Partnerships

Similar Goals and Programming If there are organizations doing something similar, why bother competing? Collaboration can allow you to support one another, exchange ideas, and possibly co-sponsor events or classes. This reduces the chances of volunteer recruitment becoming a competition. You may even find it…

History of Seattle Community Farm

14.06.2024 in History

After a lengthy search for space, a partnership was started between Lettuce Link and the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA). SHA manages low-income and mixed-income housing developments throughout Seattle. A piece of land in the Rainier Vista re-development that was unused for years is now the Seattle Community Farm. Rainier…

Summer Programs and Field Trips with Seattle Community Farm

14.06.2024 in Education

This season we hosted a garden class at the farm, with an instructor from another organization. That class was for adults, and we also run an education program for kids. That program has two components; the summer program, run in partnership with the local Boys…

Ways to Solicit Donations with Seattle Community Farm

14.06.2024 in Donor Relations

How to solicit donations and maintain good relationships with your donors: Donors such as garden supply stores or seed companies are obvious, but others require more creativity to figure out how they fit in. For example, a design-build firm that focuses on architecture projects helped…