Marketing and Visibility at Good Cheer Food Bank

25 Feb 2020, by Admin in Visibility

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Marketing and Visibility

Good Cheer uses a variety of methods to keep the organization visible to the community. Social media is a quick, simple way to tell stories and generate interest in volunteering or donating. Not everyone uses the internet, so having a presence at community events, exposure in local media, and word of mouth or networking are especially important. Visibility in the community is as much or more important than an online presence, especially in a small, tight-knit community like South Whidbey. Participating in community events (parades, festivals, garden tours, etc.) keeps an organization in the public eye and can foster a feeling of inclusion – even those who don’t use the food bank or volunteer feel like they are helping when they donate or shop.

Storytelling through social media helps people stay connected and can be a great way to reach out for last minute or extra help when needed. When incoming apple donations overwhelm limited storage space, a quick Facebook post can ask for kitchen processing help, with ideal dates and times and a short description of what is needed.