Home Fruit Tree with Second Harvest Inland Northwest

02 Jul 2024, by Admin in Fruit Tree Harvest

How Can We Help?

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Under the gleaning project umbrella, Second Harvest has implemented a fruit tree registry geared towards salvaging fruit from residential and orchard trees.

Homeowners ideally maintain and harvest their own fruit when possible. Second Harvest supplies the education (workshops), as well as picking boxes and transportation on harvest day.

When homeowners are unable to harvest their fruit, Second Harvest utilizes its volunteer database. Acquiring volunteers is a necessity for orchard gleans due to their size.

Helpful Hints

  • Dress in layers. Mornings are often cool and wet. Wear pants and long-sleeved shirts as your outermost (cool weather) layer. Shorts and short sleeve shirts should be worn underneath when it is cool. As the day progresses, remove the top layer, exposing the warm-weather layer.
  • Pants and long sleeves are recommended for orchards. This helps minimize skin exposure to noxious weeds like poison ivy that may be growing.
  • Hats and gloves are also recommended.
  • Reusable grocery bags are great for carrying through the field. They’re lightweight and can be placed around your neck while climbing ladders. You can also use a three to five gallon pail with a handle.
  • Ensure a first-aid kit is on site.
  • Most fields will lack bathroom accommodations. Be sure to tell volunteers to use facilities prior to arrival.
  • Make provisions for water, especially on hot days.


Success Story

Though Second Harvest’s backyard registry a new non-profit, the Spokane Edible Tree Project, found its roots. Spokane Edible Tree Project started as a result of all of the fruit and nut trees not being harvested even within Second Harvest’s registry. Now Spokane Edible Tree Project works solely on harvesting and gleaning produce that was previously going to waste.

In addition to harvesting, Spokane Edible Tree Project educates the community on tree care maintenance and under utilized resources in our region.

While there are many layers to the Spokane Edible Tree Project, the organization’s main mission is to get the community involved in wanting to help save produce!

For more information on the Spokane Edible Tree Project, visit their site at or email them at