History of Community Farm Connection

06 Jan 2022, by Admin in History

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Community Farm Connection (CFC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to supporting small farmers and improving consumer access to locally grown food. CFC supports sustainable agriculture, small diversified farms, and local communities by bringing farmers new opportunities to get their bounty to the consumer.

Working directly with farmers from around North Central Washington, CFC- creates cooperative new ways to bring fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, cheese, and other locally produced food right into Wenatchee where consumers can find it more conveniently. 

Hosting a Harvest VISTA was Community Farm Connection’s first experience in hunger relief. The new gleaning project, Community Harvest, had been working on capacity building and community awareness of hunger issues in the local communities. One of the main hurdles Community Harvest had been working to overcome is the lack of communication and collaboration between existing hunger relief entities. It is imperative that hunger relief systems in Chelan and Douglas counties be efficient in order to effectively get food from farms and backyards to those who need it.