How Can We Help?

There are over 150 farms in Clark County that sell to produce distributors, restaurants, and at farmers markets. Many of these farms are dedicated to growing only a number of selected crops and often run a surplus towards the end of the season. One example of this would be Joe’s Place Farm, which donated over 5,000 pounds of apples at the end of the 2013 winter.
Joe Beaudoin has been a valued member of the Vancouver farming community for the last 35 years. His farm includes more than 90 acres of farmland within the city limits of Vancouver. Joe currently farms in five different locations, all within two miles of the farm. On the orchard, they grow 30 varieties of apples, all the major tree fruits: cherries, pears, and prunes, and the major berry crops including strawberries and blueberries.
Joe expressed interest in donating to the Clark County Food Bank last winter but was unable to have gleaners at his farm because of schedule restrictions. As with most major farms, they run a surplus of specific crops that are no longer viable to sell. Joe was able to deliver the apples using his own trucks and bins. This is not necessary with all cull bin donations. Clark County Food Bank has the staff and vehicles to pick up large produce donations along with the ability to store and distribute produce in large volumes, which allows us to reach many different growers and food providers.