
Cull Gleaning with Thurston County Food Bank

05.08.2022 in Culls/ Harvested

One of TCFB’s big farm donors was mainly supplying culled produce, or produce that had already been harvested. This produce can be anything that was sorted out as un-sellable, such as blemished or misshapen vegetables, produce that was not sold at the market, CSA boxes…

Promoting Gleaned Produce with Thurston County Food Bank

05.08.2022 in Education

Once you have established a gleaning program and have fresh vegetables and fruits coming through your food bank doors, it is important to make sure that clients know how to prepare and cook with the produce. When you develop a great gleaning partnership, it is…

Food Bank Garden with Thurston County Food Bank

05.08.2022 in Farms/ Gardens

The Thurston County Food Bank hopes to one day have a full food bank farming operation, but in the meantime, they have a very successful relationship with a local service club to manage a food bank garden project. The Kiwanis Club of Olympia has garden…

Row Crop Gleaning with Thurston County Food Bank

29.07.2022 in Row Crops

The TCFB Gleaners worked closely with 7 small farmers in Thurston County, most of which grow diverse row crops for market or CSA (community supported agriculture). It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the growing season and the crops that these farmers will…

Self-care in the helping profession

23.05.2022 in General/ Logistics

Why is self-care important? Caring for ourselves and making sure our own needs are met ensures our health. It can also set a good example for the people around us to advocate for their health as well. When we are healthy physically and mentally, it’s…

Food Bank Nutrition with Second Harvest Tri-Cities

13.05.2022 in Education

The food bank, while not solely focused on nutrition education, should consider the opportunity to take compassion a step further. One way is to provide access to diverse foods of high nutritional value and the means to prepare them in an appetizing way. If anyone…