
Summer Programs and Field Trips with Seattle Community Farm

14.06.2024 in Education

This season we hosted a garden class at the farm, with an instructor from another organization. That class was for adults, and we also run an education program for kids. That program has two components; the summer program, run in partnership with the local Boys…

Finding the Farmers with Concrete Jungle

25.04.2024 in Farms/ Gardens

To run a Produce Buyers Club, produce must be purchased or obtained from farmers. While focusing on Georgia Grown produce, this allows Concrete Jungle to find farmers in Georgia with excess produce or off grade produce that is sold at a discounted rate or saved…

Tree Care Services with City Fruit

25.04.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

While City Fruit has a Master Fruit Tree Stewards (MFTS) program to educate the community on caring for fruit trees, City Fruit also offers tree care services.  The tree care specialist, offers care and maintenance of privately owned trees to ensure healthy trees that produce…

Celebrates: City Fruit’s Annual Gala

25.04.2024 in General/ Logistics

For the last five years, City Fruit has hosted an annual gala called “Celebrates.” Galas generally tend to be opportunities for non-profit organizations to raise funds for their programing, and City Fruit has added the equally important opportunity of “friend-raising.” Celebrates is an event geared…

Cider Press Rentals with City Fruit

25.04.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

City Fruit harvests an abundance of apples every year, and congruently owns three cider presses. These cider presses are both used for City Fruit educational purposes and as a revenue stream for the organization. Of these three cider presses, two are manual and fully operated…

Demonstration Garden at Okanogan Food Bank

27.12.2023 in Farms/ Gardens

OCCAC started an on-site demonstration garden located at the Okanogan food bank and distribution center in 2009.  Successive gardens have been planted, maintained, and harvested through 2012, with plans for continual use of this educational tool and fresh produce source for the adjacent food bank….

Make a Process Map with WA State Gleaning Network

27.12.2023 in General/ Logistics

When tackling any project, it’s crucial to maintain a record of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This could be as simple as creating a process map. You can use many different platforms including a Google Doc, Word file, or a spreadsheet to…