
Row Crop Advantage with Community Farm Connection

06.01.2022 in Row Crops

Field Training and Farm Etiquette Every glean includes field training for volunteers and reviewing farm etiquette, as well as any special harvesting instructions from the farmer. (*Note: all gleaning coordinators should check with the farmer for special instructions on harvesting crops.)  The success of a gleaning…

Market Recovery Case Study with Community Farm Connection

06.01.2022 in Market Recovery

The first attempt to recover produce from the Thursday night Chelan Farmers’ Market yielded mixed results. The Farmers Market Manager was enthusiastic about gleaning produce, and also allowed the use of the Farmers Market information table for Community Harvest materials. A donation box was set…

Gleaning – All Hands in with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Row Crops

The Clark County Food Bank gleaning program began in 2012 with the help of 90 enlisted volunteers, 20 growers, 12 donors, and 9 gleaning event hosts. They are always working to expand their farm base in “keeping it local.” Volunteering with a gleaning project is…

Donation Station with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Market Recovery

There are seven farmer’s markets in Clark County. Currently, there are two produce recovery stations: one at the downtown Vancouver Farmers market and another at the Salmon Creek Farmers Market. Together, these markets have over 300 vendors and attract thousands of patrons every year. This…

Food Bank Farming at Heritage Farm with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Farms/ Gardens The Clark County Food Bank exists to “alleviate hunger and its root causes in Clark County, Washington.” Farm and garden projects like the 78th Street Heritage Farm and gleaning programs help to do that by increasing the amount of fresh, nutritious food entering the…

Nutrition Education Through Field Trips with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Education

Field trips are a great opportunity to connect with different student age groups, introduce them to local food issues, and even recruit future volunteers!  For the last three years, Clark County Food Bank has hosted around 125 second-grade students from a nearby elementary school to…

Culls in Clark County with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Culls/ Harvested

There are over 150 farms in Clark County that sell to produce distributors, restaurants, and at farmers markets. Many of these farms are dedicated to growing only a number of selected crops and often run a surplus towards the end of the season. One example…

Raise Awareness about Your Program

15.10.2021 in Education

Education is a large part of outreach and brand recognition at City Fruit.  Trainings and community courses help raise awareness about the urban fruit tree canopy and can reduce food waste from productive trees. These classes are available to the public and marketed through social…

City Fruit Tree Harvest

15.10.2021 in Fruit Tree Harvest

The AmeriCorps VISTA worked alongside the Orchard Steward Coordinator to create a schedule of monthly work parties at the 14 parks City Fruit stewards. The VISTA determined the site needs and recruited volunteers using various outreach mechanisms. In general winter activities include restoration, pruning, weeding and clearing…