
Nutrition Education with Hopelink

18.01.2022 in Education

Promoting nutrition requires more than just providing food.  It also involves education and outreach. Food bank clients have a diversity of knowledge, skills, and experiences with food that may vary by region, culture, or family. It is important to understand the needs of the people…

Scheduled Cull Pick-ups with Fish Food Bank

14.01.2022 in Culls/ Harvested

The largest contribution of gleaned food at Fish Food Bank came from cull pick-ups. After farmers markets, growers usually have produce that will not last until the following market, which can be culled. These cull pick-ups were regularly scheduled for Monday or Tuesday – as…

Backyard Fruit Tree Gleaning with Emergency Food Network

14.01.2022 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Drawing inspiration from Seattle gleaning groups such as Lettuce Link’s Community Fruit Tree Harvest and City Fruit, the PCGP coordinator organized a fruit harvest in five neighborhoods in Tacoma, based on neighborhood council boundaries. While the second year of harvesting fruit trees has reaped more…

Community Giving Gardens with Emergency Food Network

11.01.2022 in Farms/ Gardens

The Share the Harvest program coordinator (job description here) supports interested community gardens in developing plots in a community garden designated for a local food bank/shelter also known as “Giving Gardens”. While many counties may not be able to support a new position, the Share…

Nutrition and Cooking Education with Emergency Food Network

10.01.2022 in Education

It is important to not only increase the availability of fresh, local produce in food banks but also to help educate the food bank population on how to cook, prepare, and store gleaned produce.  This is particularly important when gleaning more unusual crops. First and…

U Pick Farms with Community Services of Moses Lake

07.01.2022 in U-Pick Gleaning

The greater Moses Lake area has quite a few u-pick farms that have opened in recent years and are still struggling to get off of the ground. By allowing Community Services of Moses Lake to glean, a u-pick farm is able to increase their publicity…

Commercial Orchards with Community Services of Moses Lake

07.01.2022 in Orchards

Central Washington has an abundance of commercial orchards and fields, which provide a vast opportunity for produce recovery. The largest hurdle to partner with commercial orchards is the scale necessary to handle such opportunities. For example, a gleaning event took place at a 600-acre orchard….