
P-Patch Growing & Giving with Lettuce Link

21.06.2024 in Farms/ Gardens

Molly Woodring P-Patch for Resource Guide from Harvest Against Hunger on Vimeo.   Growing and Giving This video was developed by an AmeriCorps member and is intended to accompany the information on the online produce recovery guide. Each year, Giving Gardeners grow and donate over…

Finding the Farmers with Concrete Jungle

25.04.2024 in Farms/ Gardens

To run a Produce Buyers Club, produce must be purchased or obtained from farmers. While focusing on Georgia Grown produce, this allows Concrete Jungle to find farmers in Georgia with excess produce or off grade produce that is sold at a discounted rate or saved…

Demonstration Garden at Okanogan Food Bank

27.12.2023 in Farms/ Gardens

OCCAC started an on-site demonstration garden located at the Okanogan food bank and distribution center in 2009.  Successive gardens have been planted, maintained, and harvested through 2012, with plans for continual use of this educational tool and fresh produce source for the adjacent food bank….

Gardens at Kitsap Harvest

29.03.2023 in Farms/ Gardens

Written by Katie Allen, Grow A Row Coordinator VISTA Gardens Kitsap Harvest wanted to create a sustainable and consistent amount of produce to serve their clients during the colder months. Most produce that they do receive during that time is from grocery recovery and the…

Food Bank Garden with Thurston County Food Bank

05.08.2022 in Farms/ Gardens

The Thurston County Food Bank hopes to one day have a full food bank farming operation, but in the meantime, they have a very successful relationship with a local service club to manage a food bank garden project. The Kiwanis Club of Olympia has garden…

Starting a Garden for the Community at Blue Mountain Action Council

29.04.2022 in Farms/ Gardens

BMAC, in partnership with The Sustainable Living Center, is creating a new model for a community garden. Since the pandemic, Assumption Garden has lost momentum and volunteers. Located on Assumption Church’s property, the garden has the infrastructure including ADA accessible beds, an automated drip line,…