
Summer Programs and Field Trips with Seattle Community Farm

14.06.2024 in Education

This season we hosted a garden class at the farm, with an instructor from another organization. That class was for adults, and we also run an education program for kids. That program has two components; the summer program, run in partnership with the local Boys…

Education at Tacoma Farmers Market

31.03.2023 in Education

Written by Danyelle Neumann, Fresh Express Mobile Farmers Market VISTA.  Key to introducing healthier choices into people’s lives is educating the public on the produce available during the season. This includes how to prepare different kinds of produce they may not be familiar with. Such…

Fruit Tree Education Series with Spokane Edible Tree Project

04.01.2023 in Education

Since its inception, SETP has been committed to educating the community about fruit tree care and food preservation. They have offered a variety of classes such as fruit tree pruning, apple cider vinegar making, and best fruit varieties for the Inland Northwest. Many individuals in…

Produce Education with WSU Extension Clallam County

29.08.2022 in Education

In order to engage volunteers, it is a good idea to expand their knowledge of local, available produce. New or unusual produce can be featured in the volunteer newsletter. This will encourage volunteers to come to gleaning events that might not otherwise interest them. A…

Promoting Gleaned Produce with Thurston County Food Bank

05.08.2022 in Education

Once you have established a gleaning program and have fresh vegetables and fruits coming through your food bank doors, it is important to make sure that clients know how to prepare and cook with the produce. When you develop a great gleaning partnership, it is…