
Volunteer Relations with SoSA Florida

10.03.2020 in Volunteer Relations

SoSA Florida’s diverse volunteer base runs the demographic and geographic spectrum. Throughout the entire state, our volunteers represent various ages, religions, orientations, creeds, and ethnicities. Outreach and recruitment efforts reflect this variety. In person outreach occurs at hunger related or environmental conferences, religious services, volunteer expos, schools, and community meetings..

Volunteer Outreach with Food for Others

25.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

A great way to recruit volunteers while at an established non-profit is to pull from the organization’s networks. Volunteers that are already dedicated to the organization may be looking for additional ways to help. These are people that are reliable and vetted over months/ years…

Volunteer Relations at Good Cheer Food Bank

25.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

Good Cheer relies on over 3,000 hours of volunteer service each month, performed by around 200 volunteers. Whidbey Island is a tight-knit community; news travels mostly through word of mouth, and relationships are key to engaging and retaining volunteers..

Volunteer Relations at WSU Clallam County Extension

24.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

The Community Food Projects developed by the first-year VISTA have not so far included volunteers because they are primarily still in the development phase. Volunteers have also been readily available when needed through the structure of each project. The first community meal pilot under the program provided a weekly lunch while a local meal-providing agency (Salvation Army) was taking an administrative break over the summer months..

Successful Volunteer Relations with WSU Clallam County

30.08.2016 in Volunteer Relations

In order to engage volunteers a Gleaning Coordinator can take some of the following steps: Talk with civic/volunteer groups/clubs such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Masons, Lions Club, Soroptomists, local business associations, etc. Talk with church leaders, especially outreach ministry coordinators. Hold informational events at public libraries…