
Outreach and Recruitment with Kitsap Public Health District

21.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

The gleaning coordinator works to network with interested stakeholders, partners, and potential volunteers while showcasing accomplishments. Outreach, engagement, recruitment, and retention are the building blocks to a sustainable volunteer relationship. OUTREACH A successful gleaning program is reliant on a few invested volunteers and lots of…

Volunteer Relations with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

19.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

In your program’s first year, recruit volunteers in the community at gardening events, farmers markets, and churches. You can find out about these opportunities by researching upcoming events and scheduling tabling space to recruit from these locations. Contact schools as many have service hour requirements. …

Volunteer Outreach with Fish Food Bank

14.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

As a first-year project, volunteer outreach and recruitment during 2013 were some of the highest priorities for the coordinator. Although FISH is supported by regular volunteers, a contact list for volunteers specifically willing to glean had not been created. The best pools for recruitment were…

Celebrating Volunteers with Emergency Food Network

14.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Gleaning can be hard work and it can’t be done without dedicated volunteers and farm partners. The Pierce County Gleaning Project has made an end-of-the-season celebration an annual tradition. Not only are parties fun, but they are a great way to help retain and recognize…

Volunteer Outreach and Retention with Emergency Food Network

14.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Recruitment The coordinator conducted general outreach by hanging posters, posting on volunteer websites, and getting stories in newsletters for like-minded groups. Additionally, the coordinator worked with volunteer centers at local universities and community colleges to post PCGP volunteer listings. The coordinator also tabled regularly at…

Volunteer Relations in Moses Lake

07.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Outreach and Recruitment Volunteer outreach and recruitment in Moses Lake were done through social and traditional media outlets. The local radio station, local newspapers, and online news sources were instrumental in spreading the word about the programs leading to volunteer recruitment. Facebook has provided a…

Volunteer Relations in Leavenworth

07.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Volunteers are essential to the success of most all gleaning projects. In its first year, Community Harvest relied primarily on a small group of dedicated volunteers, so the second season was successfully focused on expanding the program’s volunteer base. In 2014, Community Harvest moved locations; as…

Volunteer Relations with Community Farm Connection

06.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

One of the main goals of the season was to inform the public about Community Harvest’s successful gleaning projects. But in terms of recruiting volunteers to participate, the project has some improvements to make.  Challenges  1. New project: people were a little hesitant to get…

Volunteer Outreach with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Recruitment There are many ways to help potential volunteers discover the fun and enriching volunteer opportunities available to them. Always start with your organization’s current volunteer base to recruit for a new gleaning program. Let your existing volunteer base know that friends, family, or affiliated…

Orchard Steward Work Parties

15.10.2021 in Volunteer Relations

The Harvest VISTA worked alongside the Senior Program and Education Manager  to create a schedule of monthly work parties that will take place at any of the 14 parks City Fruit stewards. Depending on the season, tasks can range from digging tree circles and mulching…