
Donor Relations in Leavenworth

06.01.2022 in Donor Relations

Throughout its three years, Community Harvest has connected with a range of donors including small- to medium-sized independent farmers who sell to local markets, backyard producers, plant-a-row gardeners, farmers market vendors, and a handful of large scale orchardists. Establishing a large and varied donor base…

Creating & Managing Donor Relations with Community Farm Connection

06.01.2022 in Donor Relations

Donor Establishment Process The gleaning coordinator identified local farms that might be interested through either prior affiliation or expressed interest by the donor. (a) Often a tri-fold explaining what Community Harvest does along with some frequently asked questions was mailed or emailed to potential donors. (b) When possible, face-to-face contact was made to…

Donor Relations with Clark County Food Bank

05.01.2022 in Donor Relations

Establishing a solid donor base broadens the diversity of fruits and vegetables available, makes it a community effort and brings in more fresh produce.  Farmers often don’t know that food banks accept produce, or where the closest emergency food agencies are located. Connect them to…

Donor Relations at City Fruit

13.10.2021 in Donor Relations

Written by Jordyn Egbert, Fundraising and Development Specialist VISTA. Updated by Vera-Camille Ingressa, Fundraising and Development Specialist VISTA.  Every year, City Fruit harvests fruit from hundreds of privately owned fruit trees throughout Seattle. Each spring, the Harvest Team contacts all tree owners registered in City…

Donor Relations at Blue Mountain Action Council

12.10.2021 in Donor Relations

Donations are key in supporting the Blue Mountain Action Council Food Bank. BMAC receives support in a multitude of ways. BMAC receives in-kind resources including food, especially produce as well as monetary donations. Individual donors, including backyard gardeners and community gardens, consistently donate small amounts…

Donor Membership Levels at the Green Urban Lunch Box

17.11.2020 in Donor Relations

When a donor invests in the Green Urban Lunch Box, they are directly support GULB’s programs: Back-Farms, FruitShare, Small Farm Initiative, and our Free Farm Stands. 100% of monetary donation goes towards eliminating food insecurity and waste, while supporting local, urban farming efforts in Salt Lake County.

Donor Relations at Iskashitaa Refugee Network

09.11.2020 in Donor Relations

The generosity of donors can be classified into three categories for IRN. Donations received include monetary donations, fruit donations, and donations of miscellaneous supplies; solicitation of all these donation types are leveraged online.

Donor Relations at Community Food Share

25.03.2020 in Donor Relations

Donor Relations Outreach to donors began in the winter of 2016/2017 when the first VISTA arrived. An Excel file was created that included all local farms, their contact information, types of produce they grow, and an indication of if they were a new or returning…

Donor Relations at the the Vashon Food Bank

13.03.2020 in Donor Relations

Creating a strategic plan for donor outreach makes the growing season more bountiful for farmers and food banks alike. Winter is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of farmer downtime to introduce one’s organization or build on an existing relationship..