
Donor Relations at Good Cheer Food Bank

25.02.2020 in Donor Relations

Whidbey Island has a large community of homeowners engaged in growing their own produce, as well as numerous fruit trees located around the South end. The food bank sees a steady flow of produce donations from the community during the growing season, and the fruit tree gleaning program was created to help prevent excess fruit from going to waste..

Volunteer Relations at Good Cheer Food Bank

25.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

Good Cheer relies on over 3,000 hours of volunteer service each month, performed by around 200 volunteers. Whidbey Island is a tight-knit community; news travels mostly through word of mouth, and relationships are key to engaging and retaining volunteers..

Food for Others

25.02.2020 in Previous Host Sites (National)

Food for Others officially began feeding the hungry from its Merrifield site in 1995. Today food supply, storage and distribution activities are made possible by a network of active volunteers, supporting churches and organizations, grocery stores, farms, gardens, farmers markets, and retail food contributors..

WSU Clallam Marketing/Visibility

24.02.2020 in Visibility

Marketing and Visibility During the first year of the Community Food Projects, the VISTA’s work has primarily been building relationships – and therefore visibility and recognition – within the local community, specifically among other emergency food relief and food security groups whose partnership will be…

Volunteer Relations at WSU Clallam County Extension

24.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

The Community Food Projects developed by the first-year VISTA have not so far included volunteers because they are primarily still in the development phase. Volunteers have also been readily available when needed through the structure of each project. The first community meal pilot under the program provided a weekly lunch while a local meal-providing agency (Salvation Army) was taking an administrative break over the summer months..

Washington State University Clallam County Extension

24.02.2020 in Previous Host Sites (WA)

WSU Extension builds the capacity of individuals, organizations businesses, and communities, empowering them to find solutions for local issues and to improve their quality of life. The 39 Extension locations throughout the state of Washington offer researched based resources and volunteer programming to communities in efforts to create a culture of life-long learning and is recognized for its accessible, learner-centered, relevant, high-quality, unbiased education programs..

King County Farmers Share

20.02.2020 in Previous Host Sites (WA)

Harvest Against Hunger is expanding upon their Farm to Food Pantry program within King County, Washington, in which 1 out of every 10 people lives in poverty. Through the King County Farmers Share (KCFS), they are collaborating with hunger relief agencies, small farms, and aggregators within the county..