Plan Your Legacy
Harvest Against Hunger collaborates with farmers, trucking companies, volunteers, hunger relief programs and state and local governmental entities to test and build initiatives that support the entire hunger relief system, which is constantly evolving. We engage small to mid-scale farmers in marginalized and underserved communities and build sustainable community food systems. We work with our partners to build new program models, enhance existing resources and develop and share hunger relief solutions.
There are many ways to plan gifts of lasting significance to sustain Harvest Against Hunger’s work to feed people experiencing hunger with surplus nutritious produce, well into the future. By including us in your estate planning, you have the opportunity to leave a legacy of building healthier and happier communities.

If you are interested in learning more about how to leave a legacy gift to us, please contact Colleen Turner at
Wills, Bequests and Living Trusts
If your goal is to defer a gift until after your lifetime, a charitable bequest may be the right option for you. Simply name Harvest Against Hunger in your will or living trust, designating a specific amount or percentage of your estate. A bequest allows you to have control of your assets during your lifetime and provides a tax-exempt gift to Harvest Against Hunger at the time of your death.
Suggested Bequest Language for Your Will
Creating a gift to Harvest Against Hunger can be as simple as a single sentence in your will. Here are two examples to discuss with your attorney:
Option 1
I give, devise and bequeath [identify here a specific sum of money or a specific asset] to Harvest Against Hunger, 1201 First Avenue S, Suite 304, Seattle, Washington 98134, Federal Tax ID 91-1229941, in such a manner as the Board of Directors thereof may direct.
Option 2
I give to Harvest Against Hunger, 1201 First Avenue S, Suite 304 Seattle, WA 98134, Federal Tax ID 91-1229941 (the sum of $___ or ___ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) for its general purposes.
Retirement Accounts
Naming Harvest Against Hunger as a beneficiary is a simple and powerful way to support our important work without updating your will. All beneficiary gifts pass directly to Harvest Against Hunger without going through the probate process. Contact your plan administrator or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form or visit the beneficiary page on their website where you can complete the form.
Bank Accounts, Investment Accounts, CDs
You can leave a legacy by naming Harvest Against Hunger as a Payable-On-Death (POD) or Transfer-on-Death (TOD) beneficiary for any percentage up to 100%. Contact your financial institution for a change of beneficiary form. The beneficiary you name has no right to the funds until after your lifetime.
Life Insurance
You can name Harvest Against Hunger as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy by submitting an updated beneficiary designation form with the policy holder. You can designate us as a primary beneficiary for any percentage up to 100%.
You can also make Harvest Against Hunger a contingent beneficiary, which means that we will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary does not survive you.
Harvest Against Hunger is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 91-1229941). Accordingly, your gifts to us are fully tax deductible to the extent the law will allow. Take full advantage of your tax-deductible opportunities, we recommend you consult with a qualified accountant or other professional qualified in tax preparation.
The information provided is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.