Harvest Blog

Welcome, Meredith!

25.05.2021 in Harvest Blog, Boston Area Gleaners

Meredith Days is a recent graduate from the University of Michigan, where she received her BA in Public Policy and minored in Community Action and Social Change. She was born and raised in Massachusetts, and her childhood experiences volunteering at her town’s food pantry shaped…

Welcome, Samara!

22.04.2021 in Tacoma Farmers Market

Samara Elaine Gonzalez, commonly called Elaine, is proud to be a part of the team at Tacoma Farmers Market (TFM) where she is serving her AmeriCorps VISTA term. Elaine recently graduated with a Masters degree in Nutrition Science and Research centering her thesis on evaluating…

Welcome, Gabe!

22.04.2021 in OIC of Washington

Gabe Gibbens is from Iowa City, IA and is serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA with the OIC of Washington in Yakima, WA. He went to college at the University of San Francisco where he received his BA in environmental studies with an economics minor. During…

Welcome, Dani!

22.04.2021 in Blue Mountain Action Council

Dani Dolphin is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the traditional homelands of the Dakhóta Thamákhočhe. She spent the winter cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and perfecting her sourdough focaccia recipe. At the University of Vermont, Dani studied Environmental Education, Justice and Sustainability. She comes to Harvest Against Hunger…

Welcome, Jordyn!

22.04.2021 in City Fruit

Jordyn Egbert is a graduate of Western Washington University with a BA in Environmental Studies. She is currently pursuing a certificate in Fundraising Management from the University of Washington. Jordyn grew up in Leavenworth and Seattle, Washington. She serves as an AmeriCorps Vista Fundraising and…

Welcome, Aaron!

13.04.2021 in Harvest Blog, Harvest VISTA

We’re excited to welcome Aaron New as our newest Harvest VISTA Leader! Originally from West Virginia, he relocated to Washington state in 2018 to “adventure and explore a place that has fascinated me since I was a kid.” Previously, he has served as an AmeriCorps…