Blue Mountain Action Council

Administering the Client Survey

19.12.2024 in Blue Mountain Action Council

Mika is an AmeriCorps member serving in the Harvest VISTA Program focused on the sustainable agriculture and food programs. She is serving at the Blue Mountain Action Council as the Community Food Systems VISTA Coordinator in Walla Walla, Washington. Her service will help bring new…

New AmeriCorps member: Welcome Mika!

09.04.2024 in Blue Mountain Action Council, Harvest Blog

Mika Adachi is a graduate of Rutgers University, where she received her B.S. in Environmental Science and minored in Geological Sciences. She was born and raised in New Jersey, where her experiences in volunteering at a local community garden, community engagement events, and environmental organizations…

Welcome, Bethany!

16.06.2022 in Harvest Blog, Harvest VISTA, Blue Mountain Action Council

As a Community Food System VISTA at Blue Mountain Action Council, Bethany is focusing on increasing access to local produce which includes continual building upon a robust and efficient local food system.  A large part of her work involves capacity building such as deepening current…

Welcome, Dani!

22.04.2021 in Blue Mountain Action Council

Dani Dolphin is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the traditional homelands of the Dakhóta Thamákhočhe. She spent the winter cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and perfecting her sourdough focaccia recipe. At the University of Vermont, Dani studied Environmental Education, Justice and Sustainability. She comes to Harvest Against Hunger…