Volunteer Recruitment at College/University with Concrete Jungle

25 Apr 2024, by Admin in Volunteer Relations

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In order to reach the targeted audience for volunteer opportunities, Concrete Jungle tables at college and universities career fairs and volunteer fairs. This allows Concrete Jungle to be able to engage the ideal volunteer demographics, and also to spread the news of what Concrete Jungle is. Concrete Jungle aligns with many volunteers’ individual values and ethics.  

Tabling at events is not as successful as in the past, but it allows staff members to spread the word of upcoming events, and gather emails to help spread the news on outgoing newsletters. Engaging the fair goer’s with a fun table is the best way to get them to stop at the table and talk or to just simply break the ice. Some examples of fun produce items are fake, squishy fruit, stickers, seed packets, and fun giveaways.